Lab Vita
Peer-Reviewed Research Publications
Haugh, J.A., Herbert, K., Choi, S., Petrides, J., Vermuelen, M., & D’Onofrio, J. (2019). Attitudes and Acceptability of the Stepped-Care Model of Depression Treatment in Physicians and Patients. Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings.
Kirby, K. C., Benishek, L. A., Kerwin, M. E., Dugosh, K. L., Carpenedo, C., M., Bresani, E., Haugh, J.A., Washio, Y., & Meyers, R. J. (2017). Analyzing Components of Community Reinforcement and Family Training (CRAFT): Is Treatment Entry Training Sufficient? Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1037/adb0000306.
Haugh, J. A., Miceli, M., & DeLorme, J. (2016). Maladaptive parenting, temperament, early maladaptive schemas, and depression: A moderated mediation analysis. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, Advance Online Publication. Doi: 10.1007/s10862-016-9559-5.
O’Brien McElwee, R. & Haugh, J. A. (2009). Thinking clearly versus frequently about the future self: Exploring this distinction and its relation to possible selves. Self and Identity, 1, 1-24.
Haugh, J. A. (2006). Specificity and social problem solving: Relation to depressive and anxious symptomology. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 25(4), 392-403.
Manuscripts Under Review
Haugh, J. A., Herbert, K., D’Onofrio, J., & Greeson, J. (Under Review). The relationship between social problem solving, mindfulness, and depression. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment.
Paper Presentations At Professional Meetings
Herbert, K., Haugh, J.A., & D’Onofrio, J. (2017, March). The Relationship Between Social Problem Solving and Mindfulness. Paper presented at the annual meeting of Eastern Psychological Association, Boston, Massachusetts.
Herbert, K., Haugh, J.A., Vermeulen, M., Petrides, J., & Choi, S. (2018, April). Attitudes and Acceptability of the Stepped-Care Model for Depression Treatment in Physicians and Patients. Paper presented at the 43rd annual Rowan Psychology Research Conference, Glassboro, NJ.
D’Onofrio, J., & Haugh, J.A., & Herbert, K. (2017, March). Attitudes and preferences about the stepped-care model for depression treatment in oncology. Paper Presentation at the 43rd Annual Rowan University Psychology Department Research Conference,
Glassboro, NJ.
Poster Presentations At Professional Meetings
Schweitzer, D., Edenne, N., D’Onofrio, J., Haugh, J. A (2024, August) Acceptability of Stepped Care Model for Depression: Primary Care, Oncology, and College Samples. [Peer-reviewed poster abstract submitted]. The 132nd Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Seattle, WA.​
Schweitzer, D., & Haugh, J. A. (2024, August). Predictors of Effectiveness of Apps for Depression: A Pilot Study [Peer-reviewed poster presentation]. The 132nd Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Seattle, WA.
Ahlquist, S., Steigerwalt, D., Schweitzer, D., & Haugh, J.A. (2024, March). A Content Analysis of Depression on YouTube of Full-Length and Short-Form Videos [Peer-reviewed poster abstract submitted]. The 95th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Edenne, N., Schweitzer, D., & Haugh, J. A. (2024, March). Use of Self-Help Materials for Clients Currently in Therapy. [Peer-reviewed poster abstract submitted]. The 95th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Philadelphia, PA.
D’Onofrio, J., Schweitzer, D., & Haugh, J. A. (2023, August). Examining the Feasibility of Implementing a MBCR Bibliotherapy for Women with Breast Cancer [Peer-reviewed poster abstract submitted]. The 131st Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington DC.
Edenne, N., Policella, N., Kroot, K., Schweitzer, D., & Haugh, J. A. (2023, August).Acceptability of The Stepped Care Model for Depression in College Students [Peer-reviewed poster abstract submitted]. The 131st Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington DC.
Schweitzer, D., O’Donnell, E., Giordano, M., Keating, E., Kroot, K., & Haugh, J. A. (2023, August). The Perceived Effectiveness of Mental Health Apps During COVID-19 [Peer-reviewed poster abstract submitted]. The 131st Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington DC.
Shoemaker, A., Lleshi, J., Schweitzer, D., Kroot, K., D’Onofrio, J., & Haugh, J. A. (August, 2023). Depression, Physical activity, and Early Maladaptive Schemas [Peer-reviewed poster abstract submitted]. The 131st Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington DC.
Terry, S., Schweitzer, D., Kroot, K., & Haugh, J. A. (2023, August). Ethnic Minority Student Enrollment and Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program Websites [Peer-reviewed poster abstract submitted]. The 131st Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington DC.
Schweitzer, D., Terry, S., D’Onofrio, J., & Haugh J. A. (2022, August). Usage of Apps for Depression within a Community Sample [Peer-reviewed poster presentation]. The 130th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Minneapolis, MN.
Terry, S., Schweitzer, D., D’Onofrio, J., & Haugh J. A. (2022, August). Indexing Diversity Content on Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program Websites [Peer-reviewed poster presentation]. The 130th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Minneapolis, MN.
Iacoviello, M., Schweitzer, D., Terry, S., D’Onofrio, J., & Haugh J. A. (2022, August). A Content Analysis of Depression Etiology and Treatment on YouTube [Peer-reviewed poster presentation]. The 130th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Minneapolis, MN.
Schweitzer, D., D’Onofrio, J., Terry, S., Keating, E., & Haugh, J. A. (2021, November). Selection of Apps for Depression in a Community Sample [Peer-reviewed poster presentation]. American Psychological Association, Technology, Mind, & Society Conference, Virtual.
Terry, S., D’Onofrio, J, Botto, V., Schweitzer, D., & Haugh, J. A. (2021, November). Psychologist Use and Attitudes Toward Mobile Applications. [Peer-reviewed poster presentation]. American Psychological Association, Technology, Mind, & Society Conference, Virtual.
Schweitzer, D., Terry, S., Botto, V., Martin, S., D’Onofrio, J., & Haugh J. A. (2021, August). Psychologist Use and Attitudes Toward Mobile Applications: A Nationally Representative Sample. Poster presentation at the 129th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Diego, CA.
Terry, S., Schweitzer, D, Keating, E., D’Onofrio, J., & Haugh, J. A. (2021, August). Diversity Content on Clinical Psychology Doctoral Websites. Poster presentation at the 129th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Diego, CA.
Schweitzer, D., Sutkin, A., Vitale, L., D'Onofrio, J., Herbert, K., & Haugh, J. A. (2020, August). A Content Analysis of Depression on YouTube. Poster presentation at the 128th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington DC.
D’Onofrio, J., Herbert, K., & Haugh, J. A. (2019, August). Examining the relationship between early maladaptive schemas and health. Abstract accepted to Poster Presentation at the 127th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Herbert, K., D’Onofrio, J, Martin, S., & Haugh, J. A. (2019, August). Evaluating User Perceptions and Perceived Effectiveness of Mobile Applications for Depression. Abstract accepted to Poster Presentation at the 127th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Herbert, K., & D’Onofrio, J., & Haugh, J. A. (2019, August). Acceptability and Preferences for Stepped-Care Models of Depression Treatment: Comparisons between Primary Care and Oncology Samples. Abstract accepted to Poster Presentation at the 127th Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.​
Herbert, K., Haugh, J.A., Petrides, J., Choi, S., & Vermeulen, M. (2018, August). Attitudes and Acceptability of the Stepped-Care Model of Depression Treatment in Physicians and Patients. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA. Poster Presentation.
Haugh, J.A., D’Onofrio, J., Herbert, K. (2018, August). The Multidimensional Relationship Between Social Problem Solving and Mindfulness. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA. Poster Presentation.
Choi, S. Vermeulen, M., Haugh, J., Petrides, J., and Herbert, K. (2018, March). Attitudes & Acceptability of the Stepped-Care Model for Depression Treatment in Physicians & Patients. The American College of Osteopathic Family Physicians Annual Convention and Scientific Seminars, Austin, Texas. Poster Presentation.
Akeret, J., D’Onofrio, J., Herbert, K., & Haugh, J.A. (2018, March). Effectiveness of mobile apps for managing depressive symptoms. Eastern Psychological Association Annual Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Poster Presentation.
Martin, S., Webb, K., D’Onofrio, J., Herbert, K., & Haugh, J.A. (2018, March). Mindfulness and social problem solving as predictors for depressive symptoms. Eastern Psychological Association Annual Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Poster Presentation.
Herbert, K. L., D’Onofrio, J., & Haugh, J.A. (August, 2017). Does being more mindful improve social problem solving? Examining the association between constructs. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Washington, DC. Poster Presentation.
Herbert, K., Haugh, J.A., Vermeulen, M., Petrides, J., & Choi, S. (2017, April). Attitudes and Acceptability of the Stepped-Care Model for Depression Treatment in Physicians and Patients. Poster presented at the Geisinger Behavioral Health Primary Care 4th Annual Conference, Danville, PA.
Cardoso, H., Stites, B., & Haugh, J. A. (March, 2017). The use and effectiveness of self-help material. Eastern Psychological Association Annual Conference, Boston, MA. Poster Presentation.
D’Onofrio, J., Haugh, J. A., & Herbert, K. (March, 2017). Attitudes and preferences about the stepped-care model for depression treatment in oncology. Eastern Psychological Association Annual Conference, Boston, MA. Poster Presentation.
Herbert, K., Haugh, J. A., & D’Onofrio, J. (March, 2017). The relationship between social problem solving and mindfulness. Eastern Psychological Association Annual Conference, Boston, MA. Paper Presentation
Romanelli, N. M., & Haugh, J. A. (March, 2016). Mindfulness and rumination: Group differences in adaptive and maladaptive problem solving. Eastern Psychological Association Regional Conference, Manhattan, NY. Poster Presentation.
D’Onofrio, J. A., & Haugh, J. A. (March, 2016). Preferences for evidence-based treatments of depressive disorders. Eastern Psychological Association Regional Conference, Manhattan, NY. Poster Presentation.
Verdecchio, R. N., & Haugh, J. A. (March, 2016). Do mindfulness and social problem solving predict lifestyle behaviors? Eastern Psychological Association Regional Conference, Manhattan, NY. Poster Presentation.
D’Onofrio, J., Piccoli, A. K., & Haugh, J. A., (2015, March). Influences of psychotherapeutic preference and strength of choice for depressive symptomatology.Eastern Psychological Association Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA. Poster Presentation.
Macallister, C., & Haugh, J. A. (March, 2015). Examining early maladaptive schemas and their Relationship with Coping and Negative Affect. Eastern Psychological Association Regional Conference. Poster Presentation.
Romanelli, N. M, & Haugh, J. A. (March, 2015). Mindfulness and How it Affects Social Problem-Solving. Eastern Psychological Association Regional Conference, Philadelphia, PA. Poster Presentation.
Miceli, M., Schwartz, K. & Haugh, J. A. (August, 2014). The Interaction of Temperament and Parenting in Regard to Schema Theory and Depressive Symptomatology. American Psychological Association Annual Conference, Boston, MA. Poster Presentation.
Macallister, C., Haugh, J.A., Schwartz, K., Miceli, M., Boyle, J. (March, 2014). Early Maladaptive Schemas and Their Relationship with Maladaptive/Adaptive Coping Styles. Eastern Psychological Association Regional Conference. Poster Presentation.
Jarema, A., Haugh, J. A., Koeppel, C., & Wiltse, T. (March, 2013). Preferences for Modality and Therapeutic Style in Treatment for Depression. Eastern Psychological Association Regional Conference. Poster Presentation.